Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's
Approved by PCI, AICTE, DTE
Affiliated to DBATU, Lonere & MSBTE Mumbai
  (02562) 297802, 297602
Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's
Approved by PCI, New Delhi, DTE, Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra
Affiliated to DBATU, Lonere & MSBTE Mumbai

Accredited in 1st cycle with A+ Grade (CGPA 3.43) by NAAC | Accredited by NBA (Diploma Program)
(02562) 297802, 297602   iopdhule@svkm.ac.in  


Library Rules

  1. General rule
    1. Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library. Use of Mobile / cell phones are not allowed.
    2. Eating, Smoking, sleeping and talking are strictly prohibited in the library.
    3. Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the books on shelves is not encouraged as it may get misplaced. Misplaced book is like a lost book.
    4. A non-member can use the library material on the premises with the permission of the Librarian
    5. Readers should not mark or Highlight, underline, dog-ear, write, tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.
    6. Newspapers, journals and magazines must be read only in the library on specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
    7. No library material can be taken out of the library without permission. Unauthorized removal of anything belonging to the library will be treated as theft and dealt accordingly.
    8. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership and may be debarred from using the library facilities.
    9. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
    10. Suggestions on all aspects of library services are welcome.
  2. Library circulation rules
    1. Number of books allowed to various members:
      1. Diploma Students: 2 books.
      2. Graduate Students: 2 books
      3. Post Graduate Students: 3 books
      4. Students preparing for Competitive exams: 5 books
      5. Teachers: 07 books
      6. Non-teaching staff: 2 books
    2. The books will be issued against the card with signature in the issue register (book card).
    3. The material such as Rare Books, Thesis, Dissertations, Loose Issues of Periodicals etc. marked for consultation shall not be issued.
    4. The period of book loan will be 7 days including the day of issue for students and Non-Teaching staffs. For Teaching, staff’s books are issued for a period of a semester.
    5. Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage later or at the time of return.
    6. The person in whose name a book is issued will be held responsible for the care of the same. He/ She will have to bear the compensation for any damage or loss.
    7. User(s) has to return all issued books when he/she is out of station for more than fifteen days.
    8. No book shall be issued which is not in good condition for safe handling. Condition of books will be decided by the Librarian.
    9. The Librarian is empowered to recall any book at any time if necessity arises.
  3. Book renewal rules:
    1. One book title should be renewing only one time for same user (s).
    2. If a member wishes to keep the book after one renewal he/she has to present the book in the library and get it reissued (if available), after keeping the book in the stack room for one week.
    3. A book which is temporarily on special demand may be lent for a shorter period than the prescribed period. The Librarian may at any time terminate loan / reduce the loan period as the time demands.
    4. Book Issue / Return / Renewal Rule & Timing
      Issue Return rules
      Checkout Limits(In Days) Loan Period(In Days)
      Item Type Faculty Students Non-Teaching Staff Faculty Students Non – Teaching Staff
      Books 5 2 2 180 7 7
      Journals 1 1 1 7 7 7
      CD / DVD’s 1 1 1 7 7 7
  4. Penalties:
    1. Students who failed to return book in prescribed time, he/she will be warn first and then after he/ she will be added in defaulter list.
    2. Defaulter students are not allowed to use library facility for the period of
      • Three days on first breach
      • One week on second breach
      • Two weeks on third breach
    3. Library Membership shall be suspended for repeated breach in returning the books.
    4. In case of damage/disfiguring/tearing of pages of Library books, student will be charged with the prevailing cost of the book. So, ensure you are not receiving any such book else report it to the library staff.
    5. If a book / books borrowed from the Library is / are lost, the matter must be reported to the Librarian immediately. The member has to replace the same or later edition of the same book lost/ damaged within a week's time. If the replacement is not possible, the following will be the procedure to recover the cost of the lost/damaged.
      • For a foreign book: The cost of the book converted as per the current conversion rate of the foreign currency.
      • For an Indian book printed price of the book as per latest edition.
    6. In case of loss/damage of either of Library Membership ID Card, a fine of Rs.100/-will be charged and duplicate card will be issued on recommendation of Principal of College.
  5. Use of computers/laptops:
    1. Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
    2. Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites are strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
    3. Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises.
    4. Readers must carry their ID card while using the Digital Library. They must show their ID card on demand.
    5. Readers are not allowed to share their Internet access ID and Password with other students.
    6. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
    7. Use of laptops in the cubical systems where computers are already installed is not permitted.
    8. Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
    9. Personal keyboard, mouse, etc. are not allowed inside the Library.
    10. Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, and wallets etc.
  6. Reading hall general instructions:
    1. The right to use General Reading Hall is exclusively reserved for bonafide members of Central Library, SVKM’s, IOP.
    2. Readers should not leave their belongings/books/copies on the table and cannot claim, capture, and reserve seats for future use.
    3. The seats are to be used/occupied on the first come first served basis.
    4. Capturing/reserving seats for friend’s/future use is strictly prohibited. Other students may remove the books if these are left unattended on the tables.
    5. Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them.
    6. Readers should not clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading material.
  7. Use of property counter:
    1. While entering the library please keep your Issued books, Photocopy material, Files, Registers, Bags, Umbrella, Water bottles etc. at the Property Counter since these items are not allowed inside the Library.
    2. Please do not leave your valuables e.g. Purse, Mobile Phones, Laptops etc. at the Property Counter or at any other place in the Library.
    3. The College/Library authorities will not be responsible for the loss, if any.
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